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2005-07-27 - 2:30 a.m.

OK, so I decided I needed to get my freakin' lazy ass back to this thing and update because let me tell you. When you're sexin' in the city, LA style, time becomes an issue.

Last I left off, I was carefully outlining each bachelor's history. Well, some of the characters have changed, and I'm too lazy to go back and say who and why.

SO, fuck that...let;s start fresh, shall we.

All I will say is that as of 7/27/2005 I've met/gone out with 9 men. Some were great, it just wasn't there, others weren't who they said they were and were vastly dissapointing.

There was a small time very confused Hollywood director and Juan Valdez, the very hot but very young Colombian whom are both out of the picture. Napolean, possibly on his way out due to recent events and "The List" on his way out, due to my lack of interest and passion.

El Scorcho is still there of course. (it's been 10 years, I mean cmon!)

SO, in the last 6 days I have managed somehow to meet 3 guys.

2 at different nighclubs in SO Cal and one in a response to my ad.

I have no idea what the freaking donkey balls is going on, but these recent developments have renewed my faith in the fact, I may indeed, someday find "that" guy.

Two, are amazing creative, ambitious, amazing individuals. The 3rd is more about how the hell he looks. (So, sue me)
I have spent long moments of time sucking face with 2 of them. And managed to find myself ridiculously sexually attracted to them both.

The third, I am going out with this Thursday, so we'll see how that goes.

*side note- I'm falling asleep, so I will finish this later...

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