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2005-06-29 - 11:58 p.m.

Bachelor #4 AKA "The List"

The List refers to the mental checklist most women have of things they would love to find in a man.

This guy had a alot of things checked off on my list.

I met him through an online personal ad I had up. He responded and we started conversing via im. Nothing spectacular, but he was nice enough.

I found his background interesting. He's half Japanese and Half Italian which I must say is a pretty nice combination.

He is a graphic designer at a Santa Monica Ad agency and has his bachelor's degree in art history and his masters in graphic design.

He has a condo and a dog named Dexter.

He's smart and funny and a generally nice guy....

So yeah, he had all the ingredients I was looking for in a mate on paper.

So, we met one night for dinner. He wasnt quite what I had expected but he was cute and we had a pleasant evening.

Later that night on im...he said I seemed dissapointed. I was like what on earth gave you that impression?

He basically said that he didn't know just that was what he was reading from me.

Maybe I was, and was only mildly conscious of it. I guess when a guy has most of the things on "The List" you want the butterlifes and the sparks. I wanted what I felt with Napolean but with this guy, and I just didn't feel it.

But, I decided I would do what isn't typical for me and give this nice guy a chance. we ended up going out 4 times in a matter of 6 days...and by the 5th date I was still unsure of how I felt.

Yeah, not a good sign.

I keep saying "he's a nice guy, I need to give him a chance"

On date number 5, I spent the night as his house and yes...we slept together. It wasn't mind blowing, earth-shattering nails scraping the flesh off his back sort of sex, but it wasn't

I woke up the next morning more confused than ever...I was hoping the sex would clear things didn't.

I ended up feeling rather indifferent about the whole thing and ended up not seeing him for a week. Then one night he asks me to dinner and I go. And for some reason on this night, I was ridiculously attracted to him and couldn't keep my hands off him. Huh? I say to myself. What the hell is going on here?

I decided I found the source of my attraction and if this doesn't make me the most superficial bitch in the world, I don't know what will. It was his hair. He had it spiked and kinda messy, and he looked really good. The night we had sex...just out of the shower hair...not as sexy.

God I'm fucking lame.

Hair! it's fucking hair!

But I can't help it. oy

Anyhoo I'm still giving this a shot, and just taking it where it goes.

I've gotten permission to see whom I want form him. Which is probably the worst thing he could have said to me, but alas I bit.

I have more to say, but I'm tired and I must move on...more on "the list" later..

Next...the intorduction of a new bachelor...Bachelor #5

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